Career Coaching
Since 1991’, I have had a genuine desire to help others succeed in their career. Recognizing that very few hiring managers looked like me, I decided to embark on a career in Human Resources, not just to help organizations create roles for people who look like me; but to help prepare individuals for those roles. Whether you desire a career change but are unsure of your strengths and the path forward or you’re an Executive in transition with a vast range of experience who is unsure of how to re-brand and re-position yourself to stand out in todays’ complex and competitive workplace. I’m ready to help you. Are you ready for me?

HR Business Coaching
Humans fascinate me. I’m pretty sure that’s why I’ve been in Human Resources for over 20 years.
As an experienced HR Business Coach, I’ve spent the past 14 years creating innovative strategies that address the unique workforce challenges of first responders. From creating recruitment strategies that ensure all candidates are given equitable consideration; to creating assessment center processes that reflect the real experiences of an organization and its community; to assisting executives build disciplinary matrixes that are progressive & transparent. The end results have all been successful forward-thinking solutions that are authentic, equitable and effective. And while we are well-equipped and willing to assist all industries; including financial institutions, manufacturing companies; non-profits and marketing agencies, our first priority goal is to support industries that have a direct impact on the quality of our lives.
My coaching is practical and action based. I work with you to find solutions that can be measured and that produce lasting results.
Together, we clarify the problem; identify your sources of power; make future directed decisions; and take strategic actions that can create systemic changes in your organizations and in those that you lead.
I have helped countless executives become change agents. I am ready to do that for you. Are you ready for me?
My comprehensive human focused, HR-centric facilitations are designed to address the workforce challenges uniquely specific to law enforcement agencies and fire personnel. My most popular engagements include; Panelist & Presenter- Promising Practices in Police Retention, powered by (IACP) The International Association of Chiefs of Police-Chicago, IL; Presenter - Inclusive & Diverse Talent Acquisition for 21st Century Public Safety, sponsored by the City of Fayetteville, NC; Recruitment and Retention Strategies for Budget Restricted Agencies @ The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Conference sponsored by Charlotte-Mecklenburg County, NC; Social Media Madness and Backgrounds Done Right, sponsored by the Virginia Department of Fire Programs; Is Bias Hiding in Your Hiring Process @ The Bending the Arc towards Inclusion Conference, sponsored by the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, and Assessment Center Best Practices @The Innovations in Law Enforcement Leadership Conference powered by Insight Exchange Network, San Francisco, CA.
I am ready to have a courageous conversation with you. Are you ready for me?